Crossing the Red Sea by Daniel Botkin

Meet Daniel Botkin, Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
Bible teacher, conference speaker, author, artist and songwriter, Daniel Botkin is the Editor-in-Chief of Gates of Eden The Botkin Bimonthly Magazine.​
Get Daniel's Books . . .
As seen in GOE Magazine (Nov/Dec Issue, Vol. 29, No. 6) . . .
Daniel Botkin's New Art Book:
Psurrealistic Psalms ~ 150 Paintings Inspired by the 150 Psalms of the Bible
NOW AVAILABLE for purchase ~ Click here to get your copy!
The Israel of God
Help & Hope from Hosea
Get Help! Get Hope!
This sober study on how Ephraim provoked the wrath of God presents an encouraging connection for Gentile believers in Yeshua (Jesus) who share the redemptive promise of Ephraim today.
My Back Pages
The Unembellished Escapades & Exploits
of Daniel Shabbatnik
This autobiographical account of Daniel Botkin's escapades and exploits span seven decades . . .
From the Leave It To Beaver, clean-cut culture of the 1950s, through the turbulent times of anti-establishment hippies and on-fire Jesus freaks of the 60s and 70s, Daniel shares how those foundational days, and various other events and experiences along the way, transformed him into a leader and teacher in the Messianic Movement, a role he continues to fill.
A Practical Guide to Understanding & Interpreting
The Holy Scriptures
Get Wisdom! Get Knowledge! Get CONTEXT!
In this comfortable & clear guide to studying God's Word, Hermeneutics – A Practical Guide to Understanding & Interpreting The Holy Scriptures, Daniel Botkin presents principles and examples in context, language, linguistics and literal vs. non-literal approaches to studying God’s Word.
Crossing Over
Encouragement & Exhortation From Judges & Judges
is for those . . .
. . . who have experienced the "out of" Egypt aspect of their faith but not the "into" the Promise Land aspect of their faith
. . . who are tired of aimlessly wandering through life and want to transition to the life of a Hebrew, which literally means,"to cross over".
A Heart to Pray and A Mind to Work
Inspiration and Instruction From Ezra and Nehemiah
is for those . . .
. . . who have heard the call to leave the carnality, confusion, and worldly compromise that exists in today's church
. . . who long to return to the ancient paths of the Patriarchs and Prophets
. . . who want to earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints