Galleries: Dylan - Themed Art
Most of these pieces were included in my solo exhibition in 2015 to commemorate Bob Dylan's 75th birthday at the Duluth Dylan Fest in Duluth, Minnesota, where Dylan was born. For more information about my Dylan-themed art, see my interview with Ennyman's Territory:
NEW! Now you can purchase high-quality prints of these Dylan-Themed art pieces: When the Ship Comes In: Dylan Crossing His Delaware, Forever Young (Triple Self Portrait of Bob Dylan), North Country Gothic, Bobby's World, and Song to Woody. Click here to Purchase.
New Book for Dylan Fans!
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Prenatal Portrait of Bob Dylan in Amniotic Sac Hovering Over the Horizon of Hibbing, Minnesota, 2013

"Stuck Inside of Duluth and Hibbing With the Freight Train Blues Again" Patterned after Andrew Wyeth's "Christina's World." The yellow house is the Dylan home in Duluth and the blue house is the Dylan home in Hibbing. The title of my painting is a tweaking of Wyeth's title, followed by a blending of two Dylan song titles, "Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again" and "Freight Train Blues." 2018 Print Copies Available for Purchase - Click link below for more info

Patterned after Grant Wood's "American Gothic." Young Bob Dylan with Echo Helstrom, his high school sweetheart, with the Dylan home in the background. Echo died in January 2018, just about a month before this painting was completed as a tribute to her for being the inspiration for Dylan's song "Girl From the North Country." 2018 Print Copies Available for Purchase - Click link below for more info

Print copies available for purchase - click link below for more info


The Vandalization of the Ghost of Electricity

SOLD - (Link Below to Purchase Copies) Dylan crossing over from all-acoustic to electric. "Another Side" was his last all-acoustic album. "Bringing It All Back Home," his transitional album, was acoustic on one side and electric on the other. It was followed by "Highway 61 Revisited," his first all-electric album. Some fans considered him a traitor for going electric, one of them famously yelling "Judas!" at a concert. That fellow is in the lower left corner of my painting.

Patterned after Norman Rockwell's "Triple Self Portrait." The small pictures on the easel are from Dylan's early career and his childhood home in Duluth. Print Copies Available for Purchase - Click link below for more info




Hang from the Head of the Mule SOLD



"Even the President of the YEW-nited States..."

Adam and Eve and the Knowledge of Good and Evil