Daniel Botkin
Apr 25, 2021
Kedoshim: Defining the Set-Apart Life
On April 24 this year, synagogues and Messianic congregations around the world will be reading Leviticus chapters 19 and 20, the Torah...
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Daniel Botkin
Apr 18, 2021
Immigrants & Immigration
You see, we are all immigrants to the kingdom of heaven. We have all been translated from darkness to light.
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Daniel Botkin
Apr 11, 2021
The Slippery Slope of Sola Scriptura
“‘The Slippery Slope of Sola Scriptura’? Did I read that right, Daniel? Haven’t you written in favor of sola scriptura in the past?”
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Daniel Botkin
Apr 4, 2021
The Necessity of Non-Punitive Suffering
For disciples of Yeshua, the events of the Hebrews’ Exodus from Egypt and the subsequent forty years in the wilderness are supposed to be
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