Daniel Botkin
Apr 19, 2020
Things That Should be Left Behind
As I write this, Passover, the festival of freedom, has passed. Now we are counting the seven Sabbaths to Shavuot (Pentecost), the anniversa
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Daniel Botkin
Nov 17, 2019
The Abomination of Homosexuality
"Queers wear red on Thursdays." At least that was what students said at my high school in 1964. We didn't know where that rumo
139 views0 comments

Daniel Botkin
May 12, 2019
Things That Should be Left Behind
As I write this, Passover, the festival of freedom, has passed. Now we are counting the seven Sabbaths to Shavuot (Pentecost), the anniversa
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Daniel Botkin
Oct 28, 2018
The Abomination of Homosexuality
"Queers wear red on Thursdays." At least that was what students said at my high school in 1964. We didn't know where that rumo
378 views0 comments

Daniel Botkin
Apr 15, 2018
Things That Should be Left Behind
As I write this, Passover, the festival of freedom, has passed. Now we are counting the seven Sabbaths to Shavuot (Pentecost), the anniversa
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