Daniel Botkin
May 21, 2023
Be Mindful of Bemidbar
In English we call the fourth book of the Bible “Numbers,” but in Hebrew it is called BeMidbar, which means “in the wilderness.” This...
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Daniel Botkin
May 17, 2020
Don't be Numb to Numbers
In English we call the fourth book of the Bible “Numbers.” This is a translation of the Latin title of the book, Numeri, which is a transla
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Daniel Botkin
Jun 16, 2019
Don't be Numb to Numbers
In English we call the fourth book of the Bible “Numbers.” This is a translation of the Latin title of the book, Numeri, which is a transla
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Daniel Botkin
May 13, 2018
Don't be Numb to Numbers
In English we call the fourth book of the Bible “Numbers.” This is a translation of the Latin title of the book, Numeri, which is a transla
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