In Your Beginning
When the Son of Man Marveled
Just One Night in a Bad Motel
Fasting for Spiritual & Physical Benefits
Celebration of the New Moon
Power to Please Our Heavenly Father
Separation: Another Word for Holiness
Believing Into The Son of God
If . . . Then . . . Using Our God-Given Common Sense to Think Things Through
A Time to Heal
Torah, The Heart & Deception
The Believer and God’s Law
The Seventh Sneeze
Our Need for Another Nation-Wide Spiritual Revival
The Way, The Error & The Doctrine of Balaam
Hineni: Behold, Here Am I
Seven Guidelines for Understanding Paul’s Letters
The Seventh Day Sabbath: How Important is it Really?
Sodom and Gomorrah on Steroids
Be Mindful of Bemidbar
A Fresh Revelation for Shavuot
Covet to Prophesy
The Presence of the LORD
Kedoshim: Defining the Set-Apart Life