Daniel Botkin
Jul 5, 2020
The Deity of Messiah in the Tenach and Other Jewish Writings
Some people reject the idea of a divine Messiah, either because they do not believe in Yeshua (Jesus), or because they do not believe in the
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Daniel Botkin
Jun 28, 2020
The Deity of Messiah in the New Testament
In the Messianic Community a lot of debate swirls around the subject of the Deity of Yeshua. Much of the debate and disagreement is a matter
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Daniel Botkin
May 24, 2020
The Need For a Pentecostal Pentateuchal Revival
In the early years of the twentieth century, God did an amazing thing. He poured out His Spirit in a mighty and marvelous way. All over the
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Daniel Botkin
May 10, 2020
The Superhero: Jewish Origins, Universal Appeal
Growing up as a kid in the 1950s and early 60s, I read a lot of superhero comic books. I even read the Letters pages, where readers sent com
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Daniel Botkin
Apr 26, 2020
Focusing on the Surpassing Glory of Messiah: That We May be One
The modern Messianic Jewish Movement began in the late 1960s and early 1970s, when great numbers of Jewish people came to the conclusion tha
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Daniel Botkin
Nov 24, 2019
Heady Days of Dreamers and Devils
It is a Jewish custom to recite a psalm before saying grace after meals. On the six weekdays, Jews recite Psalm 137: "By the rivers of
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Daniel Botkin
Aug 18, 2019
The Torah-Friendly Reformation: "It's a Whole New Paradigm"
The word paradigm has been around for centuries, but it seems to have become something of a buzz-word in the world of academics and corporat
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Daniel Botkin
Jul 28, 2019
The Deity of Messiah in the Tenach and Other Jewish Writings
Some people reject the idea of a divine Messiah, either because they do not believe in Yeshua (Jesus), or because they do not believe in the
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Daniel Botkin
Jul 21, 2019
The Deity of Messiah in the New Testament
In the Messianic Community a lot of debate swirls around the subject of the Deity of Yeshua. Much of the debate and disagreement is a matter
155 views0 comments
Daniel Botkin
Jun 23, 2019
The Superhero: Jewish Origins, Universal Appeal
Growing up as a kid in the 1950s and early 60s, I read a lot of superhero comic books. I even read the Letters pages, where readers sent com
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