Daniel Botkin
Jul 26, 2020
Tisha B'Av and the Book of Lamentations
Tisha B'Av (the 9th day of the lunar month of Av) falls on July 21 this year, but will be observed on July 22. If the morning of Av fall
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Daniel Botkin
Jul 12, 2020
ZEAL: The Vaccine Against Apathy
Shortly before Passover, Yeshua went into the Temple and cleaned house. He drove out the sellers of sheep and oxen and doves, poured out the
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Daniel Botkin
Aug 11, 2019
Tisha B'Av and the Book of Lamentations
Tisha B'Av (the 9th day of the lunar month of Av) falls on August 10 this year, but will be observed on August 11. If the morning of Tis
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Daniel Botkin
Aug 4, 2019
ZEAL: The Vaccine Against Apathy
Shortly before Passover, Yeshua went into the Temple and cleaned house. He drove out the sellers of sheep and oxen and doves, poured out the
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Daniel Botkin
Jul 22, 2018
Tisha B'Av and the Book of Lamentations
Tisha B'Av (the 9th day of the lunar month of Av) falls on July 21 this year, but will be observed on July 22. If the morning of Av fall
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Daniel Botkin
Jul 8, 2018
ZEAL: The Vaccine Against Apathy
Shortly before Passover, Yeshua went into the Temple and cleaned house. He drove out the sellers of sheep and oxen and doves, poured out the
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