Daniel Botkin
Aug 8, 2021
If . . . Then . . . Using Our God-Given Common Sense to Think Things Through
“If... then...” statements are used many places in the Bible. Sometimes they are used to make a point by the line of reasoning called in...
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Daniel Botkin
Jul 18, 2021
The Believer and God’s Law
The Book of Psalms opens by offering the reader two roads from which he can choose: the way of the godly or the way of the ungodly.
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Daniel Botkin
May 23, 2021
Be Mindful of Bemidbar
In English we call the fourth book of the Bible “Numbers,” but in Hebrew it is called BeMidbar, which means “in the wilderness.” This...
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Daniel Botkin
May 16, 2021
A Fresh Revelation for Shavuot
About a week before Shavuot (Pentecost) a few years ago, I was driving by myself, coming home from my trip to Pennsylvania and New York.
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Daniel Botkin
May 9, 2021
Covet to Prophesy
Something is terribly wrong. We have been robbed. There has been a spiritual disconnect in the Body of Messiah.
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Daniel Botkin
Aug 9, 2020
"Church" Versus Ekklesia
The Greek word ekklesia is usually translated "church" in English translations of the New Testament. When people hear the word &qu
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Daniel Botkin
Jul 26, 2020
Tisha B'Av and the Book of Lamentations
Tisha B'Av (the 9th day of the lunar month of Av) falls on July 21 this year, but will be observed on July 22. If the morning of Av fall
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Daniel Botkin
Jul 12, 2020
ZEAL: The Vaccine Against Apathy
Shortly before Passover, Yeshua went into the Temple and cleaned house. He drove out the sellers of sheep and oxen and doves, poured out the
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Daniel Botkin
Jul 5, 2020
The Deity of Messiah in the Tenach and Other Jewish Writings
Some people reject the idea of a divine Messiah, either because they do not believe in Yeshua (Jesus), or because they do not believe in the
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Daniel Botkin
Jun 28, 2020
The Deity of Messiah in the New Testament
In the Messianic Community a lot of debate swirls around the subject of the Deity of Yeshua. Much of the debate and disagreement is a matter
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